Although Cradles is not an allergy free center, we acknowledge the importance of severe allergies. We believe that it is important for parents and staff to work together to protect a child with severe allergies and the need to educate a child with allergies so they can successfully learn how to live in a group environment.
When a child enters the center with a severe allergy, we create an open communicate with all of our attending parents, all of our staff and even the attending children to inform them of a child and their allergy. It is our priority to educate everyone about the allergy, the warning signs and the steps that are to be followed if any symptoms should become evident. It is important to us to create and continually promote a group effort to keep a child with an allergy monitored and safe.
When we are made aware of a severe allergy including peanuts, dairy, eggs, insect bites, or gluten, and an Epi Pen is required, the following procedures are followed:
- EpiPens are included in an emergency pouch which accompanies the child throughout the day.
- Cradles to Crayons provides a child with an AllerMates ( bracelet to wear whenever present in the center. The visual reminder of a single or multiple allergies is an invaluable aid in the monitoring process.
- A letter including all the details of the allergy, symptoms, and reactions is distributed to the parents.
- No food is shared. All labels are reviewed with the parent of the child with the allergy for approval prior to being distributed in a classroom.
- Special events are communicated to parents so they can supply acceptable edibles for their child.
- With any allergy, Cradles posts the child’s name on an allergy listing which is posted in every classroom and all common areas.
- When necessary, an allergy free table is created in the classroom and is clearly marked.